90 MAXIMUM. The sign, posted in Kilometers, allows motorists to traverse Alberta’s Icefields Parkway at approximately 55 miles per hour. This stretch of road, featuring rugged peaks, waterfalls, glaciers, lakes, and white water, defines the Canadian Rockies. Contributing to the magnificence, surrounded by dramatic peaks, is a depression in a wooded slope. A small creek meanders from the crease before surrendering its identity to the silt filled waters of the Sunwapta River. A superficial glance would confirm her beauty, but she hides her depth. Her character lies beyond the grasp of anyone unwilling to give her time. One might drive by for years, maybe stopping briefly, stopping to acknowledge her beauty, her contribution to the Canadian Wilderness, never experiencing the joy of a relationship.

For those willing to give her time, her name is appropriate. A small nondescript parking area tied to an abandoned road offers access. The old road leads the hiker near, but she still hides her true nature, she hides her spirit. Step into the trees, step away from the road, away from civilization. Step closer to her. Noise from the highway fades and is replaced by the faint resonating rumble of white water echoing through a gorge. She is calling. The audible preview quickly becomes visual as she reveals the first of several waterfalls. The trail teases, meandering towards the gorge, offering glimpses of falls and white water before wandering away. Beauty Creek remains within her gorge, holds herself close. Without risk, without walking near the edge, you cannot know the beauty lying deep within. Without risk, you cannot experience the fullness of the relationship.

Give some of yourself, work uphill, walk near the edge, listen, listen to her resonate, listen to her speak. Watch her move, watch her shape, watch her nourish. See how she cares; see how she fills her home with love. Spend time with her, walk with her, continue to follow her towards her source, learn about her life, move towards the land from where she came. Climb above the gorge where she will open up and share her origin, peacefully flowing through her life, flooding your mind with thoughts.

Give her time, she will give you memories.

Mike Bennett

8 thoughts on “BEAUTY CREEK

  1. This one really touched me. Spoken eloquently. It’s the feeling I had hiking in the mountains and fishing along the streams which is special in its self with the sounds of the rushing water. John

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  2. Mike, you are spot on here. It is easy to glance at the beauty around us. As you point out in such poetic terms, it is only with some contribution of effort that we discover the greater beauty. I have felt it but could not express it like you have. Thanks for giving words to our feelings.


    1. Terry, Very kind word and very high praise, I find them humbling. While, as you indicated, my thoughts in this piece are not confined to a specific area they do draw my mind back to Beauty Creek, I enjoy the memories and mental images. Mike


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